Registrant Roster and Registrant Details in EMS

A guide to the registrant roster, including information about the details tab, in EMS.

The Registrant Roster page on the Events Management System provides a complete list of all active and cancelled event registrations. There are filter and display options that allow you to narrow your search within the complete listing, and there are individual actions available within each registration.

Registration actions.png

There are several tools available in the Actions column in the registrant list:

  • Registration: View the completed registration pages for a specific registrant. You may edit registrations using this feature; click "Update Registration" at the bottom of the screen to save changes.
  • Payments: View the registrant's payments to see their payment method or request a refund. 
  • Send Bill/Receipt: The wording that appears for each registrant here will depend on if they have a balance due or not. If there is a balance due, it will say "Send Bill". If there is not a balance due, it will say "Send Receipt". Use this feature to send a bill or receipt to that individual participant.
  • Details: The details page for each registration provides an overall summary of the registration, and provides additional actions such as late fees, waived fees and participant notes.

Registration details.png

    • Late Fee: Click here to add a late fee to a specific registrant. You can enter a customized amount and will need to provide an explanation for audit purposes.
    • Waive Fee: Click here to waive the entire registration fee for a specific registrant. You will need to provide an explanation for audit purposes.
    • Notes: Use this feature to enter notes related to a specific registration. Notes appear on the individual's invoices and may be seen by registrants.
  • Cancel: If a registrant cancels, click here.  Check the box to "Cancel Registrant", and add an explanation for audit purposes. If you have a cancellation fee, it will automatically appear. If you have a cancellation fee but do not want to use it, zero out the amount. Make sure to Request a Refund for any cancelled registrants that need to be refunded. 

Registrant Roster and Details

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