General Info
Goal of 4-H
Positive youth development
- Youth develop positive relationships with adults and peers.
- Youth are physically and emotionally safe.
- Youth are actively engaged in their own development.
- Youth are considered participants rather than recipients in the learning process.
- Youth develop skills that help them succeed.
- Youth recognize, understand and appreciate multiculturalism.
- Youth grow and contribute as active citizens through service and leadership.
What is 4-H?
- It’s building a robot.
- It’s cool crafts.
- It’s creating and marketing your own business.
- It’s discovering your inner scientist.
- It’s feeding the calf you’re raising for the first time.
- It’s fishing and testing the lake’s water quality.
- It’s gardening and plant science.
- It’s hiking and climbing rocks.
- It’s learning how to play chess.
- It’s using a GPS to create a community map.
- It’s wearing something you made, using something you built and eating something you cooked.
- It’s whatever topic you want to explore.
- And most of all…it’s FUN!
What does 4-H offer?
- For kids, 4-H offers fun learning opportunities through 4-H clubs, after school programs, and local, state and international events and activities.
- For older teens, 4-H offers opportunities to set goals, develop strategies to reach those goals and take leadership for sharing their skills, knowledge and talents to make their communities stronger.
- For adults, 4-H offers research-based support and training in age-appropriate learning methods and materials to help plan activities and projects for and with young people in safe, nurturing environments.
4-H Motto
To make the best better.
4-H Mission
Our mission is to create non-formal, educational opportunities to help youth thrive in a complex and changing world.
4-H Pledge
I pledge my head to clearer thinking
I pledge my heart to greater loyalty
I pledge my hands to larger service
I pledge my health to better living
For my club, my community, my country and my world
Becoming a 4-H volunteer!
Just five steps
- Decide that you have the time and interest to help kids explore and chart positive futures.
- Consider volunteering to lead a 4-H group in your community, your local school (before or after school), your church or any other location where there are kids who need positive, committed adult role models in their lives.
- Contact a Wayne County 4-H Program Coordinator to find out about your ideas or local opportunities for 4-H involvement.
- Complete Michigan State University Extension’s Volunteer Selection Process. A 4-H Program Coordinator will be happy to discuss this process with you.
- Share your skills, knowledge and talents while having fun with kids, and you’re sure to make a difference in their lives.
State 4-H Activities
Exploration Days at Michigan State University
A three day event held in June on the Michigan State University campus. Youth and adult chaperones have the opportunity to participate in action/learning experiences and meet new people. The sessions are designed for youth age 11 and older.
State College Scholarships
A variety of scholarships are available for youth involved in 4-H such as the MSU 4-H Scholarship, Michigan 4-H Foundation Scholarship, Michigan Rabbit & Cavy 4-H Scholarship some are project-area specific.
International Exchanges/Hosting
Michigan exchanges are available to Japan, Poland, Belize, Mexico, and Jamaica. Multi-state exchanges offer experiences in Australia.
Upcoming Events
A variety of events open to 4-H members or to the general public.
Great Lakes Natural Resources Camp
Go charter fishing, snorkeling or sailing! Hike through forests! Explore dunes! These are just a few of the exciting activities you can do at 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp.