Jillian Rajewski

Jillian Rajewski

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Research Assistant II - Christensen Lab
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife



Jillian earned her B.S. in Biology, Ecology and Evolution from DePaul University in 2019. Through her early career Jillian’s research experience focused on forest community reproduction patterns, and impacts of climate change on tree species range and forest composition. In 2023, Jillian earned her M.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife from Michigan State University. Her graduate research aimed to enhance visual detection survey methods for the federally listed eastern massasauga rattlesnake, and better understand their space use and movements around maintained roadsides. This work led her to collaborate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop updated best management practices for massasaugas across their range. Recently, Jillian joined the Christensen lab to aid establishing a standardized white-tailed deer abundance estimator for Chronic Wasting Disease treatment areas.