Ralph E. Hepp

Ralph E. Hepp

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Professor Emeritus
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics


Ph.D., 1965. University of Wisconsin
M.S., 1962. University of Wisconsin
B.S., 1960. University of Wisconsin

Hepp Biographical Information (Scroll down to view)

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Hepp Biographical Information

Ralph E. Hepp, Professor Emeritus and Extension Specialist, taught farm management courses in the Department’s two-year Agricultural Technology and undergraduate Agribusiness programs.   He also taught farm management courses to Michigan farm and agribusiness groups, conducted research on financial management problems, and consulted with family farmers on financial management and business succession and transfer issues.  For almost fifty years, Professor Hepp was an advocate for family farmers by conducting educational programs for family business operators. The search for improvement in business decisions, evaluation of alternatives, and implementation of ideas made a difference in the personal and business lives of many family farmers in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Dr. Hepp earned his M.S. and PhD degrees at the University of Wisconsin in Agricultural Economics and worked in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Wisconsin on agricultural finance educational programs.

At Michigan State University, Dr. Hepp assisted in organizing and implementing special study and travel programs in agricultural leadership. He worked with the Kellogg Farmers Study Program and the Michigan Agricultural Leadership Program, employment training tor farmers experiencing financial stress, the Jobs Training Partnership Act, business restructuring for farmers with cash flow problems, Emergency Management Assistance Teams, and innovations in Extension staff professional improvement, Quest for Quality.  The agricultural leadership and training programs have been an investment in rural citizens' professional improvement and leadership capacity to deal with opportunities in rural communities.

Dr. Hepp has received the John A Hannah Award for Extension Program Excellence, and Extension program leadership, team, and outstanding Specialist awards.  He received the Alpha Zeta Award for leadership from the local Kedzie Chapter.

Following retirement, Ralph worked on the Board of Directors of the Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, on committees at St. John's Student Parish and on activities for other community organizations.

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  • Dr. Hepp assisted in organizing and implementing special study and travel programs in agricultural leadership.
  • He worked with the Kellogg Farmers Study Program and the Michigan Agricultural Leadership Program.
  • He worked with a number of other extension programs
    • Employment training tor farmers experiencing financial stress,
    • Jobs Training Partnership Act,
    • Business restructuring for farmers with cash flow problems,
    • Emergency Management Assistance Teams,
    • Innovations in Extension staff professional improvement,
    • Quest for Quality
