FCCP presents at the National Forest Stewardship Program Gathering on new research about the financial tradeoffs of managing for carbon in Frederick, MD

FCCP presents at the National Forest Stewardship Program Gathering on new research about the financial tradeoffs of managing for carbon in Frederick, MD.

A log cabin in the distance sitting behind a lake with foliage and hills behind.
Photo Credit: Steve Neel

FREDERICK, MD – Dr. Chad Papa, FCCP Director, represented the Forest Carbon and Climate Program at the 2024 National Forest Stewardship Gathering in Frederick, MD. The purpose of the gathering was to bring together a broad group of practitioners to learn, share, and connect by providing high quality information and peer-networking and learning opportunities. Dr. Papa presented results from ongoing research in collaboration with Dr. Raju Pokharel and Dr. Shivan Gc, MSU Forestry, to investigate the financial tradeoffs of implementing climate-smart forestry practices in the Mid-Atlantic region and understand the role the price of carbon might have in incentivizing landowners to engage in the carbon economy.

Forest Stewardship Programs are state and federally funded programs that serve as a foundation of technical assistance for private landowners by providing educational opportunities, support for on the ground work, and help provide access to both traditional wood markets and emerging markets like carbon or water quality.

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