How IR-4 can help you
The IR-4 Project helps specialty crop growers address pest management concerns by developing data necessary for the registration of safe and effective pest management solutions with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The IR-4 Project is responsible for approximately half of all registrations on specialty crops. IR-4 also supports the registration of specialty uses on major crops, such as corn, soybeans, and cotton.
The process begins with a stakeholder requesting assistance and submitting a Project Clearance Request (PCR). More information on how to get involved or submit a request can be found below.
The IR-4 Process
The diagram above illustrates the process in which a project request becomes labeled with the help of IR-4. A stakeholder is anyone who has a need for a pest control agent (chemical, microbial, biopesticide or transgenic product) for a specialty crop, or a minor use on a major crop. Stakeholder participation is critical to the success of the IR-4 program. Information on how stakeholders can get involved and submit project requests, nominations, and priority upgrade proposals can be found below.
Submitting a project request
To access IR-4 initially and discuss your needs, we suggest you contact your state IPM program, your state IR-4 liaison representative, or the Field Research Coordinator for the North Central Region at MSU (Nicole Soldan). Representatives of the agrochemical industry are barred from submitting proposals. If the need and proposed solution appear reasonable, they can assist in submitting a formal Project Request with IR-4. The video below provides guidance to stakeholders on how to fill out the Project Request Form.
How to Nominate Projects for the Food Use Workshop
Projects that have been submitted through the project request form can be nominated by stakeholders. The video below provides instructions on submitting nominations.
Prioritization of requests
IR-4 typically receives more requests for assistance than can be addressed with available funding. Project requests are first assessed by IR-4 headquarters for national need and then discussed with both the registrant (manufacturer) to determine their level of interest in amending the label of their product to include the new use, and with EPA to discover any potential barriers to the proposed new registration.
Regional meeting
Projects requests and priorities are discussed at the annual regional meeting (generally held in August at MSU). Those projects that receive support are then forwarded to IR-4 headquarters. Any interested person is welcome to attend.
Annual workshops
The final critical step occurs at the annual IR-4 Food Use Workshop held in the fall and attended by growers and grower’s group, state and federal pest managers, and industry representatives. At this national meeting, the requests for each region are discussed and prioritized.
Priority Upgrade Proposal
Requests that did not receive prioritization during the Food Use Workshop can be nominated for a Priority Upgrade Proposal (PUP). The video below describes the PUP process and how a stakeholder can submit a PUP.
Tracking the progress of a project
The final research planning meeting is held a month or so later at NC State University where approved projects are assigned to specific field researchers and analytical labs. The progress of on-going projects can be checked at the IR-4 National Program website. After the project is completed, the data will be reviewed at IR-4 Headquarters and submitted to EPA in a petition to add the new use(s) to the pesticide label.