International Service
This state award is designed to pay tribute to an Extension professional who has contributed to Extension in other countries through state and/or overseas work.
Nominations are to be received by February 14th of each year. * Note: Nominee must be a member of ESP— see listing of ESP active members.
Use the International Service Recognition application to complete and submit the nomination. Designate the state, chapter and (North Central) region on the form. The Michigan Alpha Psi Chapter President Elect is the Chapter Recognition Contact Person.
Past Recipients
- 2021 Dixie Sandborn
- 2018 Andy Northrup
- 2017 Bonnie Wichtner-Zoia
- 2016 Rob Sirrine
- 2015 Larry Olsen
- 2014 Nancy Victorson
- 2012 Jan Brinn
- 2011 Pat Dignum
- 2007 Vera Wiltse
- 2006 Jan Hartough
- 2005 Ben Bartlett
- 2004 Mary Andrews
- 2003 Renee Applegate
- 2002 Raymond Clark