Farms & Facilities

...supporting the teaching, research and outreach missions of the Department of Animal Science.

South Campus Animal Farms Animal Use Forms Farm Bureau Pavilion

Anthony Hall

Excellent teaching and research facilities are available in Anthony Hall and the adjacent Meat Science Laboratory.

Specialized laboratories are set up for work in behavior and animal welfare, immunogenetics, molecular genetics, quantitative genetics, molecular reproductive endocrinology, molecular virology, meats and growth biology, protein metabolism, microbiology, forage analysis, toxicology, comparative nutrition, ruminant metabolism and reproductive physiology.

The MSU Dairy Store also is located in Anthony Hall, as well as the MSU Meat Lab.

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building

Offices and laboratories for some Animal Science members of the Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Program (RDSP) are located in ISTB.

Farm Bureau Pavilion

The Farm Bureau Pavilion is a 100,000 plus sq. ft., state-of-the-art facility containing an exhibit hall, livestock arena, auditorium and class rooms. The Farm Bureau Pavilion is utilized for hands-on teaching, judging and evaluation, and other livestock activities.

South Campus Teaching and Research Centers

South Campus Animal Farms Campus Administration:

South Campus Animal Farms (SCAF) Director: Faith Cullens-Nobis

Telephone 517-432-5455 or 517-353-2701

Teaching and Research Centers for dairy cattle, beef cattle and beef cow-calf, swine, sheep, poultry, and horses are conveniently located within three miles of central campus.

Most of the farms are open to visitors during daylight hours. Please check the individual farm pages at our website for specific visiting info.

Other Off-campus Livestock Facilities

ANS Missions

The Department of Animal Science incorporates its facilities into the three mission areas: teaching, research, and outreach. 

Banner photo courtesy of Communications and Brand Strategy.