
RFBC Great lakes full color letterhead with transparent background.pngBetween July 2023 and June 2028, the Great Lakes Midwest Regional Food Business Center will receive $20 million to coordinate this center with network coordinators in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. For regional tribal support, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin’s Department of Agriculture and Food Systems (DAFS), in partnership with the Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition (GLIFC), will serve Indigenous farmers and businesses. The Great Lakes Midwest Regional Food Business Center will offer grants, assistance, and other coordinated activities for farmers, Indigenous producers, and food business owners with small- to mid-sized new and established businesses in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 

Together over these project years, we aim to cultivate: 

  • more thriving small- and mid-sized farms and food businesses owned by people from underinvested communities, 
  • a stronger regional network of diverse service providers who are better able to support these business owners to increase profitability while maintaining sustainable enterprises and practices, and  
  • collaborations and connections that continue to make food systems in our region stronger, more equitable, and more resilient. 

As set out by the USDA, Regional Food Business Centers will serve the following three roles: 

  1. Coordination: Support strategic planning, formalize network of supply chain stakeholders, coordinate with USDA, collaborate with other Regional Food Business Centers, outreach to underserved communities and businesses. 
  2. Technical Assistance: Provide direct business technical assistance to small- and mid-sized food and farm businesses and food value and supply chain coordination, focusing on market and business development and managing financial resources. 
  3. Capacity Building: Provide business builder grants up to $100,000 to meet emerging regional needs and support businesses working toward expansion and other investment. 

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement  


Support for the Great Lakes Midwest Regional Food Business Center comes from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service Regional Food Business Centers Program. The 12 USDA Regional Food Business Centers support all 50 U.S. States and Territories, and are inclusive of all types of agricultural products produced locally or regionally.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. USDA Non-Discrimination Statement