Forest Economics and Resource Management



The Forest Economics and Resource Management (FERM) Lab conducts research and extension work related to natural resource management and economics, focusing on traditional and emerging forest products to help improve supply chain and circular bioeconomy, mitigate and respond to climate change, disturbances, and human impacts.


Raju Pokharel, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Forest Resource Economics


Raju Pokharel is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University. His research focuses on forest product supply chain and market models, resource availability and utilization, and forest carbon. His current work includes forest carbon analysis; forest carbon knowledge transfer on carbon markets and payments, product and carbon traceability using blockchain technology; assessing the economic tradeoff of timber products under carbon management strategies; forest sector and market analysis and economic impacts of various forest products; and evaluating and developing market opportunities for mass timber, bioenergy, and biochar. He teaches Forest Resources Economics and Forest Management Planning.


  • Multiple Use of Natural Resources
  • Forest Carbon Analysis and Knowledge Transfer
  • Forest Product supply Chain
  • Forest products industry, market, and circular bioeconomy
  • Non-Traditional Forest Products (such as Biochar and Mass Timber)
  • Ecosystem services and conservation banking
  • Recreation 


  • PhD Forest Resources, Mississippi State University, USA; 2016
  • MBA Business Administration, University of Sunderland, UK; 2011
  • MS and BS Environmental Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Nepal; 2007, 2005

Check out Dr. Pokharel's MSU Faculty Profile | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | LinkedIn