Redstem filaree
August 10, 2015
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér. ex Ait
Life cycle
Prostrate, fernlike winter annual or biennial.
Leaves are hairy and compound with deeply cut leaflets that give a featherlike or fernlike appearance. Leaves initially develop from a dense basal rosette and stem leaves are opposite and sparse. Leaves usually have a grayish tinge.
Redstem filaree rosette.
Hairy, semi-erect stems arise from a prostrate, basal rosette.
Flowers and fruit
Pink or purple flowers with five petals are found clustered at the ends of long stalks. Fruit are long, beaklike capsules with five sections; each section contains a seed with a spirally twisted, corkscrew tail at maturity.
One-sided fruit section of redstem filaree (left). Redstem filaree flowers and fruit (right).
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