Recommendations - 10 Cents a Meal Evaluation Results 2020-2021

January 11, 2023 - Megan McManus and <>

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As evaluators, we have the unique opportunity to see how 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms (10 Cents) works from different angles. 

Because we have reviewed survey responses and purchasing information submitted by participating food program managers (FPMs) and have been part of the team supporting 10 Cents, we have recommendations to share for the future of 10 Cents, both in practice and for evaluation purposes.

These are the 8 main recommendations for the future years of 10 Cents: 
  1. Provide targeted technical assistance to individual grantees over the program year.
  2. Conduct additional communications to boost survey response rate in the summer.
  3. Provide regular oversight and education about eligible products and vendors.
  4. Consider analysis of the forms of products purchased by grantees.
  5. Continue to track and analyze key characteristics of grantees and their usage of the program.
  6. Continue to gather feedback from grantees about the influence of the pandemic on 10 Cents participation and food service operations.
  7. Do not use comparisons between grant awards and grantee spending as a representation of how grantees use the program.
  8. Visualize and further analyze the impact of 10 Cents on children and communities.

Check out the summary below to learn more! 

Read the whole 2020-2021 10 Cents a Meal Evaluation Report. 

Full Report


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