Outstanding agricultural 4-H volunteers sought for MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award

The Michigan 4-H Foundation is seeking nominations of remarkable agricultural 4-H volunteers for the Michigan Farm Bureau (MFB) 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award. Nominations due March 15.

A field of crops in the background with the Michigan Farm Bureau and Michigan 4-H Foundation logos, along with the words 4-H Excellence in Agriculture, nominations due March 15.

The Michigan 4-H Foundation is seeking nominations of remarkable agricultural 4-H volunteers for the Michigan Farm Bureau (MFB) 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award. This award recognizes outstanding 4-H volunteers that have exhibited excellence in 4-H youth education and leadership development in the areas of 4-H beef cattle; dairy cattle; goats; horses; horticulture, crops and soils; poultry; rabbits; sheep; swine; and veterinary science.

“4-H is rooted in agriculture and remains incredibly important to today’s Michigan 4-H program,” said Abbey Miller, Michigan 4-H Foundation director. “This award recognizes those individuals who continue to make an impact in this critical area of 4-H programming.”

Up to five MFB Excellence in Agriculture Award honorees are recognized each year. Selected recipients will be recognized by both Michigan 4-H and MFB. In addition, honorees receive a $1,000 grant they designate to a 4-H agricultural program of their choice. The award is supported by an endowment with the Michigan 4-H Foundation that was established by MFB.

“Our award honorarium is a unique component of this volunteer recognition program,” continued Miller. “We’re so grateful to MFB and its members who make this annual award possible.”

Nominations for the MFB Excellence in Agriculture Award should be submitted by March 15.  An ideal honoree will have exhibited excellence in creating learning environments where youth develop positive relationships with adults and peers and participate in their own development. In addition, nominees should engage youth in ways that: are physically and emotionally safe; allow them to be participants rather than recipients in the learning process; help to develop skills that will support youth success; enhance understanding and appreciation of society’s diversity; and assist in becoming active citizens through service and leadership.

MFB 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award nominations will be judged by a committee made up of an agriculture industry representative, a state 4-H program staff member and a county 4-H program staff member.

To nominate a deserving individual or learn more about the 4-H Excellence in Agriculture Award, visit the Michigan 4-H Foundation website.  

The Michigan 4-H Foundation is a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that supports the mission and vision of Michigan State University (MSU) Extension 4-H Youth Development statewide. 

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