NCI Featured in National Civic League’s Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map

NCI’s commitment to collaboration, co-design, creativity, and capacity building have landed it on the map. Quite literally!

We are excited to share that NCI was recently highlighted by the National Civic League as an entity that helps groups connect across difference and is included in its Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map. Please take some time to explore the map. It’s a dynamic tool that maps the connections between various actors, offering insight into how organizations, funders, and networks across the ideological spectrum contribute to the health and resilience of our democracy. It includes over 1,200 organizations in 10 states, so far, working to sustain and strengthen democratic practices across the U.S. 

It is NCI’s commitment to collaboration, co-design, creativity, and capacity building that have landed it on the map. Quite literally!

NCI’s mission is to transform the way people work together by building capacity for collaboration. For over 20 years, NCI has engaged communities and groups in a charrette process that uses design-thinking, active participation, and collaboration to break down barriers to resolving complex problems.

Last year, NCI had the opportunity to work alongside wonderful partners on a wide range of topics, some of which are listed below. We facilitated:

  • Residents, administrators, and staff in prisons in the development of interior design plans that aimed to transform the current spaces into more humane living environments.
  • Mass timber experts in their development of a playbook.
  • Practitioners and researchers in the development of proposals on urban and emerging indoor agriculture.

Moreover, we held space in focus groups for stakeholders to provide input into an aquatic invasive species plan and a mass shooting memorial proposal. We helped organizations and departments navigate strategic plans and policies. One common thread that runs through these seemingly disparate topics is our partner’s desires to connect with differing viewpoints and engage a wide range of perspectives in conversation around complicated topics.

Today’s communities face a challenging landscape as they balance competing needs and goals. At the heart of NCI’s work is a commitment to engaging leaders alongside stakeholders in a collaborative examination of their interests, needs, and goals, and working with them to design and develop solutions that meet their needs. 


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