L'Anse II: Expanding groundwater research in Baraga County, MI
Project Summary
The Institute of Water Research (IWR) at Michigan State University (MSU), in partnership with Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College (KBOCC), is conducting a groundwater study on the L’Anse Reservation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This study will examine the extent, movement, and concentration of arsenic and uranium in residential wells located in Baraga County, Michigan.
The IWR will assist KBOCC in sharing project findings and promoting groundwater stewardship with stakeholders on the L’Anse Reservation. IWR will develop a peer-reviewed Extension bulletin that describes the project, discusses groundwater movement, illustrates some of the created maps from the data, and provides information on drinking water risks and health concerns related to arsenic and uranium. In addition, IWR will host a virtual webinar/meeting about the project, in which it will share key insights from the modeling activities, discuss future implications of contaminant transport, and describe various options for protecting groundwater resources on the reservation in the future.