Hanover Seminar Series: Pratima Devkota
March 17, 2025 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Natural Resources, Room 338 & Zoom
Pratima Devkota
- Research Specialist, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University
Battle at the Bark: What it Takes for Woody Hosts to Win Against Armillaria
Armillaria root rot (ARR), caused by Armillaria species, threatens Prunus and other woody tree species in the U.S. With no effective control methods currently available, understanding tree defenses is important. I will present the enigmatic infection process of Armillaria and the periderm mediated defense responses of Prunus trees. Key mechanisms, such as lignosuberized barrier and necrophylactic periderm formation, and tissue compartmentalization, will be highlighted, along with how these insights can guide the selection of disease-resistant tree species.
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